5 Healthy Snack Options for Weight Loss

1When you are used to eating a lot and you are on a diet, it’s hard not to feel urges to eat like a horse. This happens when you are too strict on restricting yourself to eat. People tend to cut out an entire food group completely from their diet, which results in more cravings which disrupts the whole diet plan leading to even unhealthier eating. Having snacks in between meals is a great way to avoid hunger, which is why it is important to snack on healthy foods. Healthy snacks are tasty and nutritious for you without having the need for you to worry about adding extra pounds.


So how do we consider snacks to be healthy? Well, here are what diet and health experts like susan jeffers say:


– One that has calories ranging from 100-200 calories


– Unprocessed; natural



– Trouble-free Preparation


– Convenient to carry


– Keeps you full for a longer period


If you want to shed those extra pounds, stick to these 5 healthy and delicious treats for you to get rid of 3.57 stones or 50 pounds in 3 months.




The most popular movie buddy is actually healthy if you eat the right amount of properly prepared popcorn, you are on your way to a thinner you. This is a low calorie food and it is fat free while being rich in fiber. In a cup of popcorn, there is actually on 40 calories. Eating popcorn is a great way to keep you sated for a long time. Try avoiding putting caramel or butter so is completely healthy and you may lose a stone in a month.


Raw Vegetables


Eating vegetables is essential if you want to lose weight. Eating raw vegetables is a healthier option than cooked vegetables to keep the nutrients intact.


It is important to know that not all vegetables can be eaten raw, however, vegetables such as cumber, carrots and corn are great to snack on.


Fresh Fruits


Fresh fruits are jam packed with vitamins and nutrients, making them a very healthy choice. Fruits contain high amounts of fiber, which makes them essential for losing weight. Fruits have very little calorie content which make them great snack options, an average sized piece of fruit has less than 100 calories. Fruits that have high water content are great for keeping your body hydrated and full as well.




Yogurt is rich in protein, and it is also one of the most common weight loss snacks available. Protein is crucial for muscle building which is needed in order for the body to burn fat more effectively. A cup of yogurt has 100 calories or less, you can also eat this plain or you can add in your favourite fruits.




Nuts are high in fiber, making you feel full for longer periods, and it is great for losing weight. Nuts are also great to help speed up your body’s metabolism, therefore burning more fat at a faster rate. Nuts also contain healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

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